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17 Profound Enigmas That Will Help You Make Sense Of The World | by Stefan Kojouharov | Jun, 2024

A Journey Through useful Paradoxes, Biases, and PrinciplesPhoto by Gwen Mamanoleas on UnsplashEnigmas are like a wink and a stark reminder of how little we actually know.They not only challenge our thinking but also break our expectations and make us question our deepest assumptions.With this spirit of inquiry, from time to time, I will share my collection of the most compelling, interesting and useful paradoxes, biases and principles.By exploring the nature of these enigmas, and engaging with them via the Hegelian dialectic process, we can unravel their complexities and gain real insight.Do you see the face in the rock below?Photo by Vitor Paladini on UnsplashWe see whatever we look for.This phenomenon of hyperactive pattern detection once saved us from the lions, but now it condemns us to see them even in the skies.

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