Mastering Least Privilege: Cutting Unused Access

Written by StrongDM.It’s an irrefutable fact: You can't defend your total attack surface without visibility into privileged access. The Principle of Least Privilege emphasizes that individuals within your environment should only have the necessary access and permissions essential for their roles. This approach safeguards against credential misuse, which contributes to 61% of breaches. An in-depth analysis of access management across 225 companies reveals alarming trends:Unused Elevated Privil...

Mastering Least Privilege: Cutting Unused Access
Written by StrongDM.It’s an irrefutable fact: You can't defend your total attack surface without visibility into privileged access. The Principle of Least Privilege emphasizes that individuals within your environment should only have the necessary access and permissions essential for their roles. This approach safeguards against credential misuse, which contributes to 61% of breaches. An in-depth analysis of access management across 225 companies reveals alarming trends:Unused Elevated Privil...

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