Offering personalised educational content: what can automation do for you?

Distance learning is perfectly scalable. But most classes are of the one-size-fits-all type. How to personalise the content you offer?

Distance learning is perfectly scalable. Videoconferencing makes it possible to work anytime, anywhere, and one teacher can organize online classes for as many students as they like. But these classes are of the one-size-fits-all type: it's impossible to personalise the content you offer. And given the expectations of today's consumers of education, it's important to provide personalised content — preferably without spending all your time on creating it. Enter automation, which opens up a world of opportunities. What can it do for you?

A myriad of labels, please

Let's talk labels for a moment. The simplest ones are those that contain your personal details: you attach them to suitcases, so they will be recognisable on the luggage belt. And if your suitcase gets lost, the airline company will be able to retrieve it and return your belongings to you. These labels don't require any automation — you grab a pen, write your name and address on them, and attach them to your suitcases. But what if it is more complicated than that?

When labelling teaching materials, you need to create a myriad of labels. You'll want to categorise everything from topics to reading level. Those who plan on doing this manually should realise it's more than a day job, and it's subject to human error. The employee(s) tasked with this job will grow tired, and your labels will lack consistency. There must be a better way to go about it, right?

How to benefit from AI in two ways

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides a solution to the labelling predicament. While robotics has allowed us to stamp stuff for a long time, AI takes automation to the next level by tackling cognitive tasks. Based on past analyses performed by humans, AI is capable of analysing text and recognising patterns in a consistent, lightning fast way.

The result is that you can have educational content labelled on a large scale very quickly, which you will benefit from in two ways: you can consistently target personalised content and make sure your target audience finds it.

Want to know which labels EDIA can add to teaching materials using AI? Don't hesitate to contact us or first read about why you need a self-driving car for education.

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