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The Key to Overcoming AI Development Obstacles: More Reliable Data

Overcoming AI Development ObstaclesAI development efforts include significant obstacles no matter what industry they take place in, and the process of getting from a feasible idea to a successful product is fraught with difficulty. Between the challenges of acquiring the right data and the need to anonymize it to comply with all relevant regulations, it can feel like actually constructing and training an algorithm is the easy part.To give your organization every advantage necessary in the effort to design a groundbreaking new AI development, you’ll want to consider partnering with a company like Shaip. Chetan Parikh and Vatsal Ghiya founded Shaip to help companies engineer the kinds of solutions that could transform healthcare in the U.S. After more than 16 years in business, our company has grown to include more than 600 team members, and we’ve worked with hundreds of customers to turn compelling ideas into AI solutions.With our people, processes, and platform working for your organization, you can immediately unlock the following four benefits and catapult your project toward a successful finish:1. The capacity to liberate your data scientists

There’s no getting around that the AI development process takes a considerable investment of time, but you can always optimize the functions that your team spends the most time performing. You hired your data scientists because they’re experts in the development of advanced algorithms and machine learning models, but the research consistently demonstrates that these workers actually spend 80% of their time sourcing, cleaning, and organizing the data that will power the project. More than three-quarters (76%) of data scientists report that these mundane data collection processes also happen to be their least favorite parts of the job, but the need for quality data leaves just 20% of their time for actual development, which is the most interesting and intellectually stimulating work for many data scientists. By sourcing data through a third-party vendor such as Shaip, a company can let its expensive and talented data engineers outsource their work as data janitors and instead spend their time on the parts of AI solutions where they can produce the most value.2. The ability to achieve better outcomes

Many AI development leaders decide to use open-source or crowdsourced data to reduce expenses, but this decision almost always ends up costing more in the long run. These types of data are readily available, but they can’t match the quality of carefully curated data sets. Crowdsourced data in particular is rife with errors, omissions, and inaccuracies, and while these issues can sometimes be sorted out during the development process under the watchful eyes of your engineers, it takes additional iterations that wouldn’t be necessary if you started with higher-quality data from the beginning.Relying on open-source data is another common shortcut that comes with its own set of pitfalls. A lack of differentiation is one of the biggest issues, because an algorithm trained using open-source data is more easily replicated than one built on licensed data sets. By going this route, you invite competition from other entrants in the space who could undercut your prices and take market share at any time. When you rely on Shaip, you’re accessing the highest-quality data assembled by a skillful managed workforce, and we can grant you an exclusive license for a custom data set that prevents competitors from easily recreating your hard-won intellectual property.3. Access to experienced professionals

Even if your in-house roster includes skilled engineers and talented data scientists, your AI tools can benefit from the wisdom that only comes through experience. Our subject matter experts have spearheaded numerous AI implementations in their fields and learned valuable lessons along the way, and their sole goal is to help you achieve yours.With domain experts identifying, organizing, categorizing, and labeling data for you, you know the information used to train your algorithm can produce the best possible outcomes. We also conduct regular quality assurance to make sure that data meets the highest standards and will perform as intended not just in a lab, but also in a real-world situation.4. An accelerated development timelineAI development doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen faster when you partner with Shaip. In-house data collection and annotation creates a significant operational bottleneck that holds up the rest of the development process. Working with Shaip gives you instant access to our vast library of ready-to-use data, and our experts will able to source any kind of additional inputs you need with our deep industry knowledge and global network. Without the burden of sourcing and annotation, your team can get to work on actual development right away, and our training model can help identify early inaccuracies to reduce the iterations necessary to meet accuracy goals.If you’re not ready to outsource all aspects of your data management, Shaip also offers a cloud-based platform that helps teams produce, alter, and annotate different types of data more efficiently, including support for images, video, text, and audio. ShaipCloud includes a variety of intuitive validation and workflow tools, such as a patented solution to track and monitor workloads, a transcription tool to transcribe complex and difficult audio recordings, and a quality-control component to ensure uncompromising quality. Best of all, it’s scalable, so it can grow as the various demands of your project increase.The age of AI innovation is only just beginning, and we’ll see incredible advancements and innovations in the coming years that have the potential to reshape entire industries or even alter society as a whole. At Shaip, we want to use our expertise to serve as a transformative force, helping the most revolutionary companies in the world harness the power of AI solutions to achieve ambitious goals.We have deep experience in healthcare applications and conversational AI, but we also have the necessary skills to train models for almost any kind of application. For more information about how Shaip can help take your project from idea to implementation, have a look at the many resources available on our website or reach out to us today.

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